Product Suggestions

We Value Your Suggestions

Here at Bells of Steel, we are proud to be innovators.  We also know that the best advice will come from the ones who use our products every single day, and we want to hear from you.

We love hearing feedback from our customers.  It gives us real-time data that we can use to improve our product line.  No suggestion is too small.  Think a small tweak can improve one of our power racks?  We want to hear it!

If you have an awesome new product idea please try to be as specific with the idea as you can.  It can be a little tricky to visualize the product with just general information,  so we urge you to be as thorough with your amazing idea as you can.  If your idea goes into development, we will let you know and send you one of the very first ones that come off the production line!

*We look at and value each and every submission.

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